Category: Culture
Pollution and Policy
by Jamale Stanley It is odd that so many in the West (and America in particular) are detached from the very things that support and nourish our existence. Clearly, we rely on natural systems for survival (e.g.: water, food, and clean air), so it stands to reason that we should have a fundamental commitment to…
Opinion: Guns & Education Do Not Mix
by Don Saunders If the Guns-on-Campus Bill passes it would inspire a modification of Victor Hugo’s famous aphorism: “He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” Instead, we might now observe: Those who open schools to guns imprison education. Background: The Florida Board of Governors, University Police Chiefs, University Presidents, the League of Women Voters,…
Organic Heirloom Seeds Coming Soon to New Port Richey
Friendship Farms & Fare and Ecology Florida to Team with Market Off Main to Bring Seed Savers Exchange Seeds to New Port Richey. Ecology Florida Staff Florida’s West Coast finally has a source for heirloom, organic seeds from Seed Savers Exchange. Through a cooperative arrangement with Friendship Farms & Fare and Ecology Florida, the Market…
Seeds of Love Celebrated as CARES Grower of the Year
Ecology Florida Feature by Don Saunders Friendship Farms & Fare Partner, “Seeds of Love” Organic Farm, was awarded CARES Grower of the Year for their best management practices for use of water earlier this month at the Strawberry Festival Grounds in the Charlie Grimes Building, Plant City. CARES is the acronym for County Alliance for…
Plastic Water Bottles: One-Use Commodities We Do Not Need
Plastic Water Bottles: One-Use Commodities We Do Not Need Editorial Ecology Florida This past March, San Francisco became the first major city in the US to prohibit the sale of plastic water bottles on public property.[5] We commend this positive decision, and encourage Florida municipalities to take similar action. There are numerous reasons for reducing…
Gerrymandering Trial Awaits Judgment
Summary The Gerrymandering trial is over, and it is now up to Circuit Judge Terry Lewis to render a judgment in the case. Whatever his ruling, the impact of the actions prompting this trial have already been detrimental to fair elections, good legislation, and public trust in government. Although we have no way of knowing…
EDITORIAL: Gerrymandering Takes the Stand
The Biggest Trial in Florida That Few Are Following Summary One of the most important trials in recent Florida history is currently occurring in Tallahassee. Most Floridians are not following it very closely – if at all. The trial grows out of a suit contending that the design of Florida’s congressional districts violates the state’s…
EDITORIAL: Do the Math (but not the Science)!
Editorial Do the Math (but not the Science) There are at least 164 voucher-eligible schools in our state teaching Creationism, according to Brandon Haught’s recent op ed in the Tampa Bay Times. Haught is communications director for Florida Citizens for Science. He explains that FCS takes “a strong, determined stand for sound science education in…
EDITORIAL: Florida’s Disenchantment of the Humanities-The Ecological Impact
The humanities in any of its various disciplines could not possibly prepare someone for a useful occupation. Doctors, lawyers, engineers, and CEOs are not interested in nor have any use for an education in the humanities. This has lately become the dominant opinion of the humanistic enterprise. There are no verifiable benefits and for first…