Tag: Education
Opinion: Guns & Education Do Not Mix
by Don Saunders If the Guns-on-Campus Bill passes it would inspire a modification of Victor Hugo’s famous aphorism: “He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” Instead, we might now observe: Those who open schools to guns imprison education. Background: The Florida Board of Governors, University Police Chiefs, University Presidents, the League of Women Voters,…
OPINION: Teachers Say VAM Evaluations Are Flawed
Teachers Say VAM Evaluations are Flawed Marc Yacht, MD, MPH Many of Florida’s public school teachers see little value in the value-added-model (VAM) teacher evaluation process that’s being used this year. Also labeled “value added analysis” or “value added assessment,” the evaluation tool is tied to student testing results. VAM assesses how one student’s scores…
EDITORIAL: Do the Math (but not the Science)!
Editorial Do the Math (but not the Science) There are at least 164 voucher-eligible schools in our state teaching Creationism, according to Brandon Haught’s recent op ed in the Tampa Bay Times. Haught is communications director for Florida Citizens for Science. He explains that FCS takes “a strong, determined stand for sound science education in…
USF Mini-Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on New Religions
The Department of Religious Studies together with a number of co-sponsors is hosting a one-day min-conference on new Religious Movements on March 1, 2012. The conference features keynote addresses by three of the world’s most notable scholars of New religions, James R. Lewis, J. Gordon Melton and Bron Taylor. In addition to Melton, Taylor and…