Year: 2012
OPINION: How Do Your Choices Impact America’s Food Culture?
During a time of year that is culturally characterized by excessive food-centered festivities, (Nation of Change, “What’s for Dinner?”) Jim Hightower asks us to consider, not only what we are consuming and where it comes from, but ways in which we can cultivate sustainable alternatives to the dominant agri-business framework that determines how most of…
Ecology Florida and Pasco EcoFest: Growing a Community
This weekend is the Pasco EcoFest ( taking place in West Pasco and the city of New Port Richey. We’re excited to be participating in this event as sponsors of Saturday’s EcoMarket in the breeze-way between City Hall and the New Port Richey Public Library. Our Board President, Dell deChant, will also be giving a…
FEATURE: Cow Pots Debut at New Port Richey Market
Just in time for Florida’s Fall growing season, The Market Off Main (6241 Lincoln Street, 34652) in New Port Richey now has in stock organic starter pots for the local gardener. These starter pots for seeds are made from 100% renewable composted cow manure. In a cooperative agreement with Ecology Florida, Market Off Main in…
EDITORIAL: Corporations are People and The Earth is the Center of the Universe
Citizens in a few select states are being inundated by advertisements and phone contacts (many of them robo-calls) on behalf of Presidential candidates. Florida is one of those states. They are called battleground states because the polls indicate that neither candidate has a significant lead – so there is a battle for voters’ support. Others…
Tara 14 and Citrus Greening: Strengthen the Plant or Destroy the Disease
When the human immune system is healthy and operating effectively and efficiently, exposure to bacteria will not generally trigger a reaction but if the immune system is compromised, the bacteria can cause negative impacts to the body. The Florida citrus industry is experiencing the impacts of a bacterial infection. The immune systems of citrus trees…
OP/ED: The American Future: High Speed Rail and Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure
This article originally published on is Copyright 2012 Robert C Marlowe, and republished with permission. Geeknote: Fair warning disclaimer– This is the most “political” GEEKNOTE I’ve ever written. I may make you mad, but I hope that I make you think. The past two weeks have been a bit of a blur. Two weeks…
FEATURE STORY: Surprise! Florida Dead Last in 2012 Locavore Index
Well, maybe it is not such a surprise after all. In a new national assessment of local-sourced food opportunities, Florida comes in at the very bottom. The assessment was developed by Strolling of the Heifers, a Vermont-based sustainable food community, which is dedicated to protecting family farms and promoting locavorism. It is kind of a…
Local Organic CSA Garden Featured on NBC News Channel 8 On Your Side
TBN Gardens & Groves is a CSA garden in New Port Richey, Florida and the organization has been a long time supporter of Ecology Florida. The garden began as an experiment over ten years ago in permaculture organic gardening using heirloom vegetable seeds that are easily grown in the Gulf Coast environment. Over the years…
Recipe: Purslane & Grapefruit Smoothie
This was shared with us by Ecology Florida’s friend, Ann Scott. Did you know Purslane has more omega-3 fatty acids than in some of fish oils? If you aren’t familiar with the health benefits of Purslane, you can read all about it here. Enjoy! In it’s simplest form, I just pop a bunch of Purslane…